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Night Sky Photography

Sunshine Meadows

"The Meadows"

The Canadian Rocky Mountains have so much to offer, whether by day or by night.  It was while on a recent hiking trip to the "Meadows" to capture wildflowers when I came upon this scene.  It was spectacular during the day, but I knew that there would be an incredible night sky, if we had clear skies!  This image was the result of camping out, waiting 6 hours for the skies to clear and then the show began!

The Sentinel

"The Sentinel"

This remnant of the past sits at the gate of a ranch in the Alberta foothills, as if its standing guard.  It is a reminder of days long past and I often wondered about the stories it would tell.  I had imagined it under a starry sky and thanks to an incredible land owner, I was able to make the dream come true on a clear summer's night.



On a recent trip to the Great Bear Rainforest, I had the opportunity to sit at the end of a long dock and enjoy the sites and sounds of the First Nations town of Bella Bella.  The waters were so calm, the night air crisp with the feel of fall.  It was so very peaceful.

Dance, Lady Aurora, Dance

"Dance - Lady Aurora - Dance"

During a recent trip to Churchill Manitoba, Lady Aurora gave us a show that was so unbelievable.  She danced and danced for hours, displaying incredible greens, purples, reds, oranges, and yellows.  She made incredible shapes for me to marvel at and she even gave us a whisper of her voice as the night became colder.  What a marvel it was to watch her dance!

Days Gone By
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Times Past

...many more images on my instagram page

...all images on this website or on instagram are available in any size

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Wendi L. Forster Photography


W L Forster Photography

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