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Images of Canada

Through the Wardrobe


Kimberly, British Columbia

Come take a walk with me in our neighboring province of British Columbia.  There is a blanket of fresh snow and not a breath of wind, until you reach the lamp post....and then a gentle whisper moves through the trees and gently blows the fresh snow.   There is peace here.  It is very quiet...

It is a retreat from the busyness of life, a place to reflect and enjoy nature....but

what is around the corner?

Through the Wardrobe

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Passing Cloud, Great Bear Rainforest

Head Harbour Lighthouse

Head Harbour Lighthouse, New Brunswick

Canadian Beauty

"Canadian Beauty"

The base of Laverty Falls in New Brunswick are skirted with maple trees.  A visit to this remarkable park in the fall is a treat for the senses.  The blues of the water, the fall colours of the trees and the mossy green rocks. As I was taking in this incredible scene, I looked down to see this lone leaf.  It was like he was calling out to me..."I'm here, do you see me....with the beads of water making me sparkle and shine"  The surroundings were beautiful, but this simple image was stunning.  

...many more images on my instagram page

...all images on this website or on instagram are available in any size

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Wendi L. Forster Photography


W L Forster Photography

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